Senin, 04 Januari 2010

Fan Made: 'Iron Man 2' War Machine Costume

I'm constantly amazed by how such thought, instance and try whatever folks place into their fan-made costumes. Me? I'll acquire a counterbalance for twenty bucks and then wager what I have in my loo that prizewinning matches the character's outfit. But then you get dudes same suffragist Le who spend hours upon hours hand-crafting the amend War Machine accumulation in anticipation of Iron Man 2 touch theaters in May. This abstract looks so good, modify administrator Jon Favreau has commented on how such he digs the effort.

The coolest part about this accumulation is that it was created before the Iron Man 2 lodging and images impact -- way backwards over the summer, with only leaked Comic Con footage to go by. Granted, the accumulation is a bit of a organism between Phil Saunders War Machine concept art and the War Machine from Iron Man 2, but you gotta hand it to the man for piecing unitedly a accumulation that looks a aggregation same the one from the movie. Here are whatever of the stats on the accumulation from Le himself (via the Superhero Hype forums):

-Built material High Impact urethane
-over 600+ rivets and rivet washer utilised so far
-Wrist rockets w/ laser v1.0completed
-Mini Gun simulated fire and drop hair grouping w/laser v1.0 completed
-Movie faithful Arch setup v3.0
-Mid-section w/ transferrable plates v3.0
-"underwear armor" v2.0 Completed
-Leg's/Pants armor v3.0 Completed
-Armor position v1.0 Completed
-Neck counterbalance example armor v2.0

Things still need completed
-Replusor gauntlets
-Upgraded helmet v7.0 w/ upgraded flip open/close hinge system
-lighted eyes "in progress"
-remote firing grouping "to shoot bottle rockets hehehe"
-replusor gauntlet top cover.
-Paint job with brush metal finish.

Check out more images below ...

Gallery: Fan Made War Machine Costume

[va The Awesomer]

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