Selasa, 01 Desember 2009

Site of the Day: My Life is Twilight

Just when you intellection it was innocuous to recognize that mad Twi-hard kinsfolk member backwards into your chronicle comes a newborn website that's meet ... well, every kinds of hilarious. It's called My Life is Twilight, and it consists of a clump of lowercase notes from fans who poverty you to undergo that their chronicle is every most Twilight. I'm perception an MTV True Life episode in 3 ... 2 ... 1...

But earnestly today ... no wait, how crapper we rattling be serious most this? I know, they're young kids obsessing over a inoffensive recreation concept -- which, I imagine, is better than doing hard drugs or killing squirrels or whatever it is intense kids do these days. However, whatever of these lowercase notes are meet ... yeah. Here's a distribution from the site:

"Today, as in every day, when I reread every of the Twilight books, I module cry, and when my boyfriend walks in the shack I module intentionally move a fight with him & yell at him for "not being prince Cullen". He knows today not to become in the shack while I'm reading."

"Last year, my friend and I were out dancing. It was the region of winter, so when her boyfriend came in from outside, he was freezing cold. Snatching his assistance in hers, she proceeded to locate it on my face, proclaiming "He feels meet same Edward."

"Today I realized that ever since I feature Twilight I highlight the articulate "twilight" in every another book I feature meet to provide myself satisfaction that it MUST be a beatific book!"

"I work with juveniles that hit meet been arrested. Even though I undergo these kids hit meet sworn a crime, I grinning a lowercase wider and act a lowercase nicer when I talk with digit titled Edward."

Read the rest over here, and verify me if this is completely connatural behavior or if there rattling is whatever variety of weird epidemic at endeavor here.

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