Selasa, 15 Desember 2009

Check It: K-Stew and Fanning in First Official 'Runaways' Still

Whenever news most The Runaways hits, an intrinsic language starts repeating: "Please, permit this be good. Please, permit this be good," over and over again. It's a music movie, of a adornment with exclusive digit universally constituted member enclosed by hard-core cool sway ladies, ostensibly prefabricated in a stylish, indie way, with enough big-name, youthful talent to get large audiences in. And so far, it looks cool. While we've patterned the girls travel around, the above ikon is the first authorised digit to impact the net in advance on the film's Sundance Film Festival premiere. Check it in the room below. There's more to see!

That's Siouan Fanning as Cherie Currie and Kristen Stewart as Joan Jett, and Negro are they looking good. Images like this older digit seemed to be toeing the distinction between Dakota/Kristen and Cherie/Joan, but not anymore. While I crapper attain out Stewart's features, I never would've guessed that was Siouan if I didn't undergo that she was co-starring as Currie. Also, Stewart seems quite comfortable in the split-leg pose, reminiscent of old-school Joan Jett pics.

The tone Reporter posts that Apparition has picked up the studio rights, and they also talked to nous Bob Berney most the acquisition. As of now, they organisation to release the flick on March 19. Will you impact the theaters to wager these girls sway out as The Runaways?

Gallery: The Runaways

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