Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009

Does Sci-Fi Stand A Chance at the Oscars?

For flick fans, the Academy Awards are kind of aforementioned the Superbowl. But unlike the Superbowl, when it comes to the Oscars it hasn't ever been an modify activity field. In the world of sports it every seems so simple: if you win, you intend a blot in the championships. But in the world of movies, sometimes the films that are the most idolized by audiences (or critics) are unnoticed by Academy members because of a long-standing work against blockbusters, or because they're tagged as "genre fare". But, a recent article in Variety has advisable that sci-films (which hit traditionally been relegated to the school categories) could eventually be earning whatever respect as Best Picture contenders. For whatever instance now, there has been a complaint that the Academy has forfeited touch with modern films, and that the members ease undergo from a touch of haughtiness when it comes to what makes a flick commendable of consideration for that lowercase metallic man.

But things are changing, and with 10 symptom unstoppered for Best Picture nods there is a chance that this assemblage maybe it won't be the aforementioned older movies making it into the winners circle. Sci-fi is more popular than ever before, and in 2009, whatever of the prizewinning reviewed flicks were music films. But until those nominations are announced, we crapper exclusive speculate, so I decided to put forth my suggestions for sci-fi films that I conceive hit attained a effort at an Oscar. Now before we intend started, keep in nous that I'm not saying these films should intend an Oscar, meet that they merit a shot.

After the jump: My 5 suggestions for sci-fi accolade contenders....

1. Moon

Why it could be nominated: If the Academy wanted to take a sci-fi flick that isn't crowded with lasers and explosions, then look no boost than Duncan Jones' Moon. The flick was a Brobdingnagian hit with critics and fans, and brought back the idea of 'serious' sci-fi and modify attained comparisons to Kubrick's 2001. Not to mention, it isn't cushy to circularize a film, but Sam Rockwell's state as the lunar technician was a standout this year.

2. Avatar

Why it could be nominated: It haw be a lowercase primeval in the game, but James Cameron's 3D music has what it takes to be a bounteous succeeder at this year's festivities -- and not meet in the theoretical achievements either. The buzz for the flick is already in overdrive and Cameron has proven before that he crapper wow the Academy. After all, if 'popcorn epics' aforementioned Gladiator and Braveheart crapper achievement absent with the gold, ground not the Na'vi?

District 9

Why it could be nominated: Hollywood loves the news of the 'little flick that could', and there was no better feel-good news than Neil Blomkamp's uprise from fog short-filmmaker to helming one of the large (and prizewinning reviewed) hits of the season season.

4. Star Trek

Why it could be nominated: Not exclusive did J. J. Abrams make one of the prizewinning sci-fi state films in recent history, he did the impossible: he entertained novices and Trek fans alike, and if that doesn't acquire the Negro a nod, I don't undergo what could.

5. The Road

Why it could be nominated: Like Moon, this flick proved that sci-fi crapper be as dramatic and harrowing as any typical 'best picture' hopeful. Plus, once you intercommunicate in the literate pedigree and the accolade appointed (and winning) cast, you've got an saint politician for the gold.

So what do you conceive -- could a sci-fi flick achievement absent with Best Picture, or is the Academy likewise set in their structure to permit a different kind of flick into the winners circle? Sound soured below...

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