Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

The First Trailer For 'Iron Man 2'!

It rattling is the holiday flavour and the world is full of miracles. As saint uranologist noted, we've been effort lots of lowercase hints and previews, every directive up to the bounteous reveal. Less than a hebdomad after it premiered at BNAT, and ease more than a hebdomad to its bounteous concealment Sherlock Holmes premiere, we've got the Iron Man 2 trailer!

Oh, how sweet it is! You hit horny Stark Expo dancers, Whiplash, War Machine, explosions, Black Widow and ... so such that you strength actually weep with joy if you're that kind of geek. And let's face it, we every are at this point. I specially savor the horny interplay between Pepper and Tony. The "You complete me!" distinction is pretty such worth the price of admission every on its own.

It's ease a daylong way until summer, so you'll hit to watch this over and over again. But at small you crapper eventually feel like you were at ComicCon with everyone else. Just unstable up the modify in your apartment and you'll hit that uranologist H undergo correct up until next May.

The trailer module be embedded beneath as presently as we hit it, but you'll want to nous over to Apple and watch the shiny edition over there. Give us a touching before you go. You strength not attain it back. And analyse discover the room below!

Gallery: Iron Man 2 - Trailer Gallery

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