Senin, 21 Desember 2009

Zombies Protest Hospital Closing

By Mike Bracken

I grew up in the metropolis Atlantic and still hit kinsfolk there. I truthfully conceive that digit of the reasons I'm the horror nerd that I am is because I was upraised there. I hit fond memories of shopping at Monroeville Square Mall backwards in the Dawn of the Dead days and the municipality has never shied absent from its ties to horror cinema (embodied primarily finished guys same Romero and blackamoor Savini).

So, it brings great experience to my black hunch when I see stories same this digit in yesterday's metropolis Post Gazette.

The gist of the story revolves around UPMC's plan to near a infirmary in Braddock, Pennsylvania. This didn't sit well with Braddock residents, but kinda than vocalise their displeasure finished the customary (boring) channels, producer Tony Buba (who worked on Romero's Night and Dawn of the Dead) gathered up a dozen or so protesters, clad them up in enlarge decedent make-up, and ordered them off walking for the UPMC office in downtown Pittsburgh.

Read the rest over at Horror Squad

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