Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

Redbox Recalls Brittany Murphy 'Deadline' Poster

Video merchandiser Redbox is issuing an crisis request of the poster for Brittany Murphy's stylish flick Deadline. The ikon features the actress ostensibly dead in a bathtub, an unnatural reminder of Murphy's possess death, also in a bath, on Sunday, Dec 20.

Bumpshack reports that the request of the ikon from over 19,000 kiosks nationwide will verify 7 to 10 life to complete, and that the film's distributor is employed on an move DVD counterbalance image.

It's a pass of unco good taste on Redbox's part, especially considering how specific the ikon is to Murphy's possess death. I don't think anyone crapper attain a strong housing in favor of the example art.

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