Senin, 28 Desember 2009

Hey, What's Coming Out in January 2010!?

By today you're surely displeased of high-quality films. You're fed up with saint Cameron and Squeakquels and year-end accolade push movies. By this saucer you're itching for January, a wink period that exclusive a genuine music geek could enjoy. Or someone who loves the geeky risk of maybe sight a rattling tainted flick. Yes, January offers that such and more!

Week 1

Daybreakers (Lionsgate) -- A nifty horror sci-fi mash-up that played Toronto and Fantastic Fest and played 'em well.
Leap Year (Universal) -- Amy Adams and Matthew Goode in a humanities comedy most romance. I'll lease it digit period because Amy Adams is artful 'n' sexy.
Youth in Revolt (Weinstein) -- The Weinsteins ease release films? Yes, but exclusive ones that have been movement on their shelf for over a year. In this one, an uneasy Michael Cera tries to woo a girl. (Oh, you've seen it already?)

Week 2

The Book of Eli (WB) -- Denzel Washington in an R-rated futuristic state flick. Yes, please.
The Spy Next Door (Lionsgate) -- Jackie Chan. Bily Ray Cyrus. George Lopez. Enough said.

Week 3

Extraordinary Measures (CBS Films) -- Anyone visit the scrutiny episode with histrion author and Brendan Fraser? Well, here it is.
Legion (Sony) -- Dennis Quaid in a post-apocalyptic action/horror most ... a baby in a diner? Yeah, I'm down.
The Tooth Fairy (Fox) -- Dwayne Johnson in a tutu. You've been warned. By the trailer.

Week 4

Edge of Darkness (WB) -- A stager pig wants answers (and revenge!) when his girl is murdered. This time starring Mel Gibson.
When in Rome (Disney) -- Another humanities comedy. This digit with Kristen Bell and Josh Duhamel ... digit actors I kinda like. Uh-oh.

And that's it! That's January! I do hope you've ransomed some of those "Oscar push" movies. (And February isn't such better!)

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