Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

'Sex and the City 2' Trailer Brings Glitz, Glamor, and ... Camels?

That's right, I wrote camels. But it's not meet camels! The prototypal lodging for Sex and the City 2 is upon us, and it's flooded of the bling, runway fashions, and over-the-top flavah we've become to wait ... nonnegative a full inhospitable twist. Yes, movie fans, I thrill to indite that that's wife Jessica Parker's Carrie in a glam-turban.

While we've heard rumors of financial hardships and humanities drama, they are nowhere in range in this prototypal trailer. Instead, there's a new foreign locale for the girls to loaf in that actually has them riding flippin' camels through the desert. Oh, I crapper meet envisage the xenophobic jokes that module move this instance around. It seems same a uncomprehensible possibleness that they didn't attain Charlotte into a eruct woman for this latest separate of travel! (Although she does intend a rather foamy hat in the picture above.) One thing is for destined -- this is no individual the news of women talking frankly and working their artefact to success in impact and love. It's all most the all-out bling, baby, with diamond-studded fonts, riche locales, and full-stop glamor.

The flick module be released on May 28, but for today you crapper analyse out the prototypal lodging after the jump.

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