Senin, 14 Desember 2009

David O. Russell Directing Natalie Portman's 'Zombies'?

If you were same me, and hoped that Pride and Prejudice and Zombies would be adapted as a straight-up punctuation piece with a panache of Zombieland-meets-Mel-Brooks, educate to hit your hopes dashed. Pajiba is news that king O. Russell is set to candid the adjustment of man Grahame-Smith's "book."

Russell doesn't hit some punctuation pieces or horror films on his resume, but I'm not feat to hold that against him. Instead, I'm feat to charge my head against the desk because the combination of Natalie Portman and Russell is sending Zombies straightforward into smirking hipster territory. Yes, it's a articulatio movement reaction. Russell could totally assail us all, and verify a traditional turn. But considering the whiff of self-aware geekery that already pervades this literary trend, I can't wager it feat some another content but deliberately quirky. Can you?

Oh well. It was an diverting prospect patch it lasted, and I presume it was wishful intellection to hope that a Masterpiece Theater alumni would become aboard, anyway. At small this adjustment module provide analytic fodder for a few arts literature students to come, since Zombies module probably feature the prototypal and exclusive rendering of Elizabeth Bennet as a Manic Pixie Dream Girl.

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